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Amish white bread recipe with 6 ingredients

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Amish White Bread

Today we’re going to make this delicious 6-ingredient Amish white bread for your morning coffee or afternoon snack.

How to make Amish white bread

The recipe has all the necessary ingredients for the Amish white bread. Take the paper and pen to write down this deliciousness to make later at home!

Today, our Creative Recipes website is pleased to bring you this wonderful recipe.

White bread with 6 Ingredients:

  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt
  • 2 cups warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
  • ⅔ cup white sugar
  • 1 ½ tablespoons active dry yeast
  • 6 cups bread flour

Preparation method:

First, dissolve the sugar in warm water in a large bowl and add the yeast.

Then leave to work for about 5 to 10 minutes, until the yeast resembles a creamy foam.

Then add the salt and oil to the yeast. Add the flour, one cup at a time, on a lightly floured surface and knead the dough until it is homogeneous. Then place it in a well-oiled bowl and turn it over to cover it. Cover with a damp cloth. Then leave it for about 1 hour until it doubles in volume, about 1 hour.

Then pull the dough down. Let’s knead it for a few minutes and divide it in half. Now shape the loaves and place them in two well-greased 9×5-inch loaf pans. Then leave to rise for about 30 minutes until the dough covers the pans by an inch.

Finally, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

Finally, bake the risen loaves in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes until golden brown.