
Easy Blender Flan

Greetings, everyone! Today, let’s discover a simple and convenient recipe for creating a Blender Flan.. This culinary delight demands just a handful of ingredients and promises a satisfying yield.

How to make Blender Flan

The recipe has all the necessary ingredients for the Blender Flan. Take the paper and pen to write down this deliciousness to make later at home!

Today, our Creative Recipes website is pleased to bring you this wonderful recipe.

Easy Blender Flan Ingredients:

  • 395 grams of sweetened condensed milk (1 can)
  • 200 grams of heavy cream (1 small box)
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 packet of unflavored gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar for the caramel

Preparation method:

Begin by dissolving the unflavored gelatin following the instructions on the package. Subsequently, combine it with sweetened condensed milk, heavy cream, and milk in the blender.

Blend until a uniform mixture is achieved. Next, in a flan mold, melt sugar until it transforms into a golden caramel.

Pour the blended mixture into the caramel-coated mold and refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours.

After the flan has set, extract it from the mold and serve it chilled.


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